The Centre offers quality photographic services for artists, galleries, and businesses. We specialise in photographing paintings and works of art. The photography is carried out on Hasselblad cameras and lenses on our high resolution Phase One digital back, ensuring top quality and accuracy in colour reproduction and detail.
Lighting is the secret towards best results, together with respect for the items to be photographed. Our fully equipped studio and our 45 years of experience in Commercial Photography, guarantee the final results in digital or print form.

Valentinos Charalambous Ceramics

Valentinos Charalambous Ceramics

Valentinos Charalambous Ceramics

Triton - Central Bank of Cyprus - Coin designed by Clara Zacharaki Georghiou

XYLOCLEAF catalogue, London

XYLOCLEAF catalogue, London

XYLOCLEAF catalogue, London

by Hand and Eye, Limassol

Demophorius Healthcare Ltd

Demophorius Healthcare Ltd

Demophorius Healthcare Ltd

by Soula Christou - Mosaic Collective

by Soula Christou - Mosaic Collective

painting by Georgia Michaelides

Sculpture by Philippos Yiapanis

Sculpture by Philippos Yiapanis

Sculpture by Philippos Yiapanis

"On the plug", ceramics by Constantinos Constantinides

Title: "Excavations (Songs of Stephen Foster, University of Pittsburgh Edition,1951)" Medium: Cut book - by Marina Kassianidou

"Looking Forward" by Michalis Papamichael

"Herbarium" by Maria Trillidou

"Herbarium" (detail) by Maria Trillidou

"Τερατάκι τσέπης" by Christina Papakyriakou - "Όαση Space for visual experimentations"

"Moonfish" by Marios Stavrou - Opsis

«Το Πλουμιστό Ψωμί της Κύπρου» Δωρίτα Βοσκαρίδου - Εκδόσεις ΝΟΣΤΟΣ

«Το Πλουμιστό Ψωμί της Κύπρου» Δωρίτα Βοσκαρίδου - Εκδόσεις ΝΟΣΤΟΣ

"Luxe et humilité: se vêtir à Chypre au XVIe siècle" by Stella Frigerio Zeniou - Editions Nostos

"Luxe et humilité: se vêtir à Chypre au XVIe siècle" by Stella Frigerio Zeniou - Editions Nostos

"Παραμύθια μεν... αλλά", Έλενα Ευαγόρου - Εκδόσεις ΝΟΣΤΟΣ- Michaella Ceramics

"Παραμύθια μεν... αλλά", Έλενα Ευαγόρου - Εκδόσεις ΝΟΣΤΟΣ - Michaella Ceramics